Personal FAQ
1. What made you want to start graphic design and what made you focus on Ebook covers?
I've done graphic design on and off for the last 20 years. My uncle worked on developing Photoshop so I think it was just in my DNA to do it. I decided I really wanted to push my skills to more than what I was making as a PA. I retired from PAing so I could put all my focus into covers. I think it's worked out well.
2. How do you like working from home?
It has its pros and cons. I don't have to pay for daycare but I have to stop in the middle of doing things when the baby needs me. Also unlike those who work outside the home, I never get to leave my work place to go relax at home. Target has become my getaway spot. Lol
3. How long does it usually take to make a single cover?
That really all depends on the concept and genre of the cover. Contemporary covers tend to be faster to make opposed to a fantasy cover. It also depends if it's a premade or a custom cover.
4. Is this where you saw yourself ending up?
Nope not at all! I didn't even know this would be career option for me. If it were for the growing indie community it would of never been an option. Luckily there's some really fantastic authors who took a chance one me and have grown with me.
5. What are your favorite covers to make?
Definitely fantasy and paranormal. Anything where I can get super creative with.
6. Do you make anything else besides cover?
I do logos, banners, teasers, chapter headers, swag, etc.
7. What do you find most challenging when working with clients?
Probably when it’s difficult for them to explain to me their vision. It happens to everyone! You know what you want but you aren't sure how to put it into words. We eventually get there but it can be a lot of trial and error.
8. If you could be doing anything else what would it be?
I'd probably be a pastry chef. Baking is my Zen. If I'm stressed and need a break, I will actually go and bake cookies. Something about baking just calms me.
9. Were you doing something else before you got into graphic design?
I was a PA, personal assistant, for several indie authors. Before that I was just a stay at home mom for three years.
10. What is the biggest challenge within the graphic design field?
Coming up with new ideas. The field I work in is pretty saturated. There are a lot of people making covers. So you have to constantly watch what's being posted for sale. People are quick to accuse you of copying even if you've never seen any of their work before.
11. What type of authors usually buy your covers?
Mostly indie authors who write paranormal romance. I've sold quite a few erotica covers and cozy covers.
12. Does having kids being at home change your hours or affect how you work?
Gods yes! I have to work around them constantly. Whether it be during naps or staying up late to get stuff finished. Sometimes I have to ask my husband to watch them so I can sneak off to work.
13. What type of hours do you work?
All day every day. I try to fit in a day off here and there though. Spending time with my family is important and I'm fortunate enough to have clients who understand that.
14. Do you listen to music or watch anything while you work?
I usually listen to music. That’s where I get a lot of inspiration for my covers. Certain lyrics just get to me and the idea will come and build from there.
15. Since you work at home do you have your own office?
I actually don't, I just work where ever I can. Most of the time that's the living room.